Portfolio of Christoph Hofbauer




No game is more brutal than reality:
PR stunt & fundraising campaign for
the german refugee rescue organisation Sea Eye. 

5.000 people have drowned in 2016 in the Mediterranean Sea while fleeing their countries. But this horror is not taken seriously anymore among young Europeans. We announced a game about the drama in the mediterranean sea and created more buzz with the game than the horrible reality of drowing people – which was the real scandal.

We promoted a game called “Schlepperkönig” (“King of human trafficking”) on Facebook. With a smart targeting strategy on (politically) different users we caused enormous outrage. Austria´s biggest media companies reported. When the attention reached its peak, we showed the real scandal: The fact, that a game causes more disgust than 5.000 drowned.

The campaign was a huge boost for Sea Eye to get a second ship with over 50.000 Interactions, 8.2 Mio. Reach and an increase of 1.100% of donations.
The incredible illustrations & animations were created by the wonderful Salon Alpin. Awarded at the CCA, IAB WebAds, Austrian Media Awards and the Digital Communication awards in Germany. Featured in Ads of the world.



AdsoftheWorld, Advertising, Art Direction, Branding, CCA, Design, WebAd